With branches of peace plants, both the young and the old faithful of Malende came out in their numbers to welcome their Father His Lordship Michael Bibi, one many describe as a Bishop of peace.

Bishop Bibi arrives Malende
Bishop Michael Bibi has, over the past four years made it a tradition to respond with a yes to pray and preach the good news to the people of Muyuka Deanery; one of the affected areas in the Southwest Region of Cameroon since the evolution of the Anglophone Crisis.
In a Eucharistic celebration attended by Pastors, Catholics, and non-Catholics, the prelate prayed for lasting peace on this community and the entire Northwest and Southwest Regions of the Country and reassured the masses of God’s love and protection even in Sorrowful times.

Mass at Holy Trinity Parish
He saluted priests, pastors, members of traditional councils, and the entire Christian body who have been resilient in their faith and, who in different ways have promoted education, leading to over 150 children going back to Catholic Schools in this community amidst the turbulence of the Anglophone Crisis.
This pastoral visit also gave the Local Ordinary an opportunity to remind his flock, of their responsibility to Proclaim the Good News as captured in the Theme of the 75th anniversary of the Diocese ” Proclaim the Good News, I Am With You Always “.

Bishop Bibi reassures Christians of God’s Love
He challenged the Christians to carry out self-evaluation of their spiritual activities and make commitments that will help improve their spirituality as the liturgical year comes to an end. The faithful were further reminded of the second coming of Christ and called to be prepared by showing love and forgiveness to one another and to live Holy lives
Addressing the Chief custodian, the parish priests Rev Fr. James expressed sentiments of joy having the Bishop in their midst” Your presence brings Peace to the troubled, hope to the hopeless and joy to all” he stated .

Parish Priest, Holy Trinity Parish, Malende
The Parish Pastoral Council chair while expressing the challenges they face due to recurrent confrontations between arm forces and unidentified gunmen, the chair thanked the prelate for visiting them over the past four years “My Lord, the massive turnout of the Christians today is a testament of the love they have for you. Just as Christ was a good Shepherd, you are a good Shepherd to the flock entrusted to your care. We say thank you. “
The Christian populace in exhibition of their joy crowned the pastoral visit with choral presentations and traditional dances.