Service heads of some Diocesan services on Monday November 11, met with representatives of Aid To The Church In Need, ACN, Africa, to present Diocesan projects aimed at improving the pastoral life of the church. The meeting which took place in the conference room of the Bishop’s House, had as participants, Kinga Schierstaedt ;team leader of the Africa department, Jacques Berset ; journalist and member of the national office in Switzerland and Luis María Sisto ; team member responsible for Cameroon.
The meeting centered on projects relating to the pastoral office, justice and peace, communication, family life among other areas that seek to promote the faith and bring Christians to holiness.
Speaking at the meeting, Madam Kinga, team leader, expressed her pleasure in the many pastoral activities going on in the Diocese of Buea and the generosity of the Christians. This she says is a great sign of hope.
His Lordship Michael Bibi while addressing participants, expressed appreciation to the Team from ACN for the assistance given to the Diocese over the years.
During their two days stay in the Diocese of Buea, the team made visits to different projects in the diocese including presbyteries, Divine Mercy Co-cathedral, Pastoral Centre among others.
It is worth noting that ACN is a Pontifical Foundation that supports Christians in need around the world through information, prayer and action.