Sunday, October 6th, 2024, His Lordship Michael Bibi, Bishop of the Diocese of Buea, had another annual opportunity to pray, listen to , and rejoice with his Christians of St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish, Mekongi, during a Pastoral Visit to this Christian community. Making his way into the parish environment, the joyful Christians, waving peace plants in different dance styles, received their Bishop in a spirit of love.
Bishop Bibi while celebrating the sacrifice of the Maas, focused his homily on marriage. He reminded Christians that God made man and woman and that what God has put together, let no man put asunder. Quoting paragraph 1,644 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church , the Bishop noted that the Sacrament of marriage has two properties; unity which is manifested through procreation and indissolubility which means that only death can separate the couples. He encouraged couples to be tolerant with one another and to uphold unity and indissolubility in their union.
During the celebration, the prelate prayed that the Faithful and the 68 candidates who received the Sacrament of Confirmation should always be true witnesses of the Gospel message.
He recognized the works of the priests, the Chief of this community , members of the parish pastoral council, and the entire faithful in promoting evangelization. He equally thanked them for their generosity towards the two 75th anniversary projects: the Divine Mercy Co-Cathedral and the Bishop Pius Awa Memorial Pastoral Centre.
The Parish Pastoral Council chair Mr. Fonkeng Aloysius expressed these words to the Bishop “You are our Bishop, and we are always glad to be with you. On behalf of the parish, he encouraged Bishop Michael Bibi to stay strong and expressed their confidence in him , in leading them in truth and hope.
The chief of Great Soppo HR Monnono, also turned lout for the event to support the chief shepherd and assured him of his collaboration as he continues to man the pastoral affairs of Buea diocese.