The Chief Shepherd of the Diocese of Buea His Lordship Michael Bibi, has reminded Christians of the virtues of temperance, justice and solidarity in using the gifts provided to them by God. These virtues demands that Christians should apply moderation in consuming what they have, they should be just by giving everyone their dues and they should show care and love for one another by sharing what they have with those who are in need.
This teaching was done this Monday the 20th of January 2025 at St. Martin the pores parish , Bokwango during the weekly catechesis by the local ordinary as he treated the 7th commandment which states “You shall not Steal”. The prelate told Christians that stealing is the act of taking what does not belong to you without the consent and permission of the owner. To steal he noted is morally wrong and it is a sin against the church. He further highlighted that the 7th commandment calls for political authorities to ensure that the goods of the Nation should not be used for personal gain, but should be enjoyed by all citizens.
Anyone who steals must carry out the act of reparation; by paying back what was stolen. He thereby urged government not only to detain those who have embezzled public funds, but that it is important to ask them to repay what they embezzled, for the use of the common good.
The chief shepherd challenged Christians to be generous to one another with the goods they have been blessed with. “If God blesses you, you have the responsibility to bless others” he stated clearly.
Concluding his session, the Local Ordinary invited participants to shun all forms of slavery which he says injures the dignity of the human person. He called on them to live in solidarity and communion with one another and to have concern for the common good.