Monday , January 27, 2025, Christians again gathered in St Martin the Porres Parish, Bokwango to improve on their spiritual life as they listened to doctrinal lessons by Rev. Fr. Martin Njie, representing the Local Ordinary of the Diocese of Buea in his weekly routine catechetical teachings. The teaching was a continuation of the 7th commandment; You shall not steal. The act of stealing as described by the teacher, is taking what does not belong to you and this is a sin against God.

Christians drilled on the 7th commandment
Drawing from pg. 2426 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Fr, Njie highlighted the ills of exploitation in carrying out economic activities, as one which is not in conformity with the teachings of the church, while everyone has the right to do business, this must be done without manipulation and should consider the common good. He further stated that Christians are implored to put God at the center of their businesses because, “to work is to pray “he said.

Fr. Martin Njie, representing the Bishop
Christians were also encouraged to be hard working as Christ was, so that they would reap the fruits of their labor. In living the 7th commandment, the state on their part has the responsibility to provide a friendly environment for individuals and groups to open and run businesses which goc a long way to curb unemployment. He further said that justice and solidarity among nations are equality vital in curbing unemployment.
In conclusion to the teachings of this day, Fr. Njie reminded participants of the importance to show love to the poor for this he said, is an appropriate way of living the 7th commandment.