Thursday, April 4,2024, eight deacons took the priestly vow of obedience to their Bishop and service to the church, during a priestly ordination ritual performed by the Bishop of Buea His Lordship Michael Bibi at the Divine Mercy Co-Cathedral in Molyko Buea.
As these deacons received the Sacrament of holy orders, Bishop Michael Bibi reminded them that this sacrament is an unmerited gift from God aimed at offering service and support to the church for the spiritual wellbeing of the people entrusted to their care.
The prelate challenged the newly ordained ministers to work in collaboration and to grow the spirit of solidarity and fraternity in the presbyterium, helping each other in times of need and supporting one another as true brothers in the vineyard of God. He further reiterated the importance of prayer in their priestly lives and invited them to pray for one another for the wellbeing of their priesthood and the entire church.
During this solemn event, the chief shepherd urged the elderly priests to welcome the newly ordained and to treat them as brothers of one family. He cautioned them to guard against competition as he noted that curates should show respect for their parish priests and on the other hand, parish priests should take care of the curates and treat them with love. He further warned the newly ordained to watch against the seven deadly sins, cautioning them to guard against pride, envy, lost, and greed amongst others.
These newly ordained whom God has commissioned to bear fruits in his vineyard that will flourish, expressed sentiments of gratitude to their Bishop, His lordship Michael Bibi for the fatherly and spiritual care towards them . They appreciated their families and friends who have supported them throughout their years of formation and invited them to continue praying for the success in their ministerial priesthood.
Exercising the unmerited gift of the sacrament of holy Orders, these newly ordained, blessed the bishops, priests, seminarians, religious, families and friends present as they dispersed to serve the church in humility at their different areas of responsibility.