Christians have been urged to fight against concupiscence as they struggle with the battle for purity in their intentions and actions. This call was made by the Chief Catechist of the Diocese of Buea Bishop Michael Bibi as he took on to teach Christians on the 9th and the 10th commandments of the church; “you shall not covet your neighbour’s wife and goods”.

Bishop Bibi teaches on the 9th and 10th commandments.
Citing paragraph 405 of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the prelate reminded participants that by virtue of baptism, man is free from original sin but all humans by their nature, experience concupiscence which is the inclination/desire to commit evil. Christians therefore should be conscious of concupiscence and struggle to purify their hearts and to pray for the virtues of temperance, modesty and chastity so that they may not fall into the sins against the 9th and the 10th orders of the Church.

cross section of Christians during catechesis
In the struggle to live purified lives, the Christians were challenged to exercise modesty and to teach their children to live modest lives by moderating their actions with attention to dressing and eating habits, to reflect the teachings of the Church.

cross section of Christians during catechesis
Conferring the Catechism of the Catholic Church from paragraph 2534 to 2557, which teaches on the 10th commandment, His lordship urged Christians to avoid all fraudulent means used in achieving results , shun greed and injustice, and to be of help to one another by sharing with those in need.

Bishop Bibi teaches on the 9th and 10th commandments.
He emphasized the need to banish envy in the community while making reference to St Augustine who describes envy as a diabolic sin; from envy he says are “born hatred, detraction, calumny and joy caused by the misfortune of a neighbor”. He invited all to learn to appreciate the gifts and talents which God has given to them and to others while praying for the grace to fight against sin.

Christians receive rosaries from Bishop Bibi
The prelate during this catechesis which took place in Bokwaongo on Monday the 2nd of October, showered Papal blessings from Rome on these Christians and offered rosaries to them as they continue their race to heavenly glory. The next catechesis has been scheduled to take place at St. Charles Lwanga Parish in Molyko-Buea on Monday October 9th at 10;30 am.