Monday July 8th, 2024 His Lordship Michael Bibi continued his catechetical session at All Saints Parish in Mutengene during which he dwelled on the missionary activity of the church. He reminded Christians that the mission of the church is to teach the faith and to guard the deposit of […]
Drawing to the peak celebration of the 75th anniversary of canonical erection of the Diocese of Buea, renovation works at the Regina Pacis Cathedral in Small Soppo Buea cannot go unnoticed. The chief shepherd of the Diocese His Lordship Michael Bibi, on Monday July 8th, 2024, paid a visit to […]
The Local Ordinary of the Diocese of Buea Bishop Michael Bibi, Continued his Monday Catechetical lessons at All Saints Parish, Mutengene this 1st day of July 2024, and dwelled on the Ministry of The Divine Word. The mission to teach the word of God in the whole world he said, […]
The annual meeting of the Bishop of the Diocese of Buea with seminarians of the Diocese opened today, July 1st, 2024, and was presided over by His Lordship Michael Bibi, Bishop of the Diocese of Buea. The opening conference took place in the Bishop’s conference hall in Small Soppo, during […]
Members of the Christian Family Movement – CFM of the Diocese of Buea convened at All Saints Parish, Mutengene, to commemorate their Golden Jubilee under the theme “The Christian Family, a Model for Communion, Participation and Mission,”. The three-day-long activity, which began on Friday, June 28th,2024, was concluded with a […]
“Teach what you believe, believe in what you teach and put into practice what you teach”. These words were echoed by the Chief shepherd of the Diocese of Buea His Lordship Michael Bibi while ordaining 12 acolytes who have become deacons in the Diocese of Buea, and are charged with […]
Prelude to the reception of Holy Orders, 12 Acolytes have been incardinated to the Diocese of Buea by His Lordship Michael Bibi, after their open profession of Faith in serving the one Holy Catholic Church and the Oath of Fidelity on assuming an office to be exercised in the name […]
Thursday June 27th, 2024, the Governor of the Southwest Region; His Excellency Bernard Okalia Bilai granted audience to the Chief Custodian of the Diocese of Buea; His Lordship Michael Miabesue Bibi following the forthcoming celebration of the 75th anniversary of canonical erection of the Diocese of Buea, scheduled for April […]
“The proclamation of the good news is the primary responsibility of the church which is mother and teacher and which ensures that the content of the church’s teaching is preserved”. Bishop Michael Bibi spelled this out as the core of the Teaching office of the Church during his Monday catechetical […]
Celebrating the Feast Day of their parish Saint St. Anthony of Padua, Bishop Michael Bibi on a Pastoral Visit to St. Anthony of Padua Parish Buea Town lauded the Christians for witnessing the faith since 1962 when they were raised to a parish. He encouraged them to remain prayerful and […]