“I will make you fishers of men”. In this spirit, Bishop Michael Bibi on Wednesday February 28th 2024, mounted the boat at Mudeka to the waters of the high sea to meet his flock at the creeks of small Mukuta ; a mission station of St Peter the Apostle Parish Mudeka.

Bishop Bibi on his way to the Creek
The over 45-minutes exquisite sea ride was characterized with gladness as the Christians on different boats welcomed his Lordship Michael Bibi and accompanied him to the creek, where he met with the rest of the Christian population. Like Jesus who was welcomed with songs of praise and palms waved from left to right, the women, children, and men received their chief shepherd Michael Bibi with joyful choruses, acknowledging the presence of a Father, teacher and carer.

Christians accompany the Bishop
A significant moment was captured when the women laid wrappers s on the ground to lead the shepherd into the church for the celebration of the Eucharist.

Christians leading the Bishop to the Church
The Christians of St. Paul Small Mukuta could not hold their joy seeing Bishop Michael Bibi and praying with him as one family united in Christ. Mr. Simeon Tabu, the Catechist of small mukuta while saluting the efforts by the prelate to ensure that since 2021, he makes his presence felt by this community, noted that Bishop Michael Bibi is the first and only Bishop they have seen in small Mukuta.

welcome message by the catechist
Praying with these Christians from Mugange, Bopula, Buma and Small Mukuta mission stations, the prelate called on God’s blessings on them, and told the Christians not to relent in doing what is good even when they are being reciprocated by evil. He challenged them to be leaders in God’s vineyard by serving others in humility just as Jesus taught his apostles.

Christian community
To encourage them to live holy lives, the bishop challenged couples who are not married in church, to take on doctrine classes, and prepare themselves for this sacrament of marriage, which he promised to officiate when the time comes. He further blessed their working tools, invoking the powers of God upon these items so that from their works, they may beer fruits that will enable them cater for their families.

Christian community
Gladdened by His presence, the Christians prayed for the ministry of the Bishop, calling on God’s wisdom and protection on him as he shepherds the Diocese. They also offered to him gifts in appreciation for the fatherly love he has always shown to them.

Christians offer gifts to the Bishop.
According to Bishop Michael Bibi, the pastoral visit to this community provided him with the opportunity to share in the experience of his Christians better, understanding their needs better and encouraging them in their Christian journey. He noted that he has made this visit a yearly tradition, for all the 40 parishes of the Diocese.

Christian community of small Mukuta
While saluting the hospitality of the Christians, the prelate promised to support them in the erection of a more convenient church for the better glorification of God. He also offer rosaries to this congregation, calling on them to pray always.

rosary gift offered to Christians