Christians have been reminded of the greatest commandment to love God and to love their neighbors as themselves. This reminder was done by the chief catechist of Buea Diocese His Lordship Michael Bibi during his traditional Monday catechesis held at St. Anthony of Padua Parish Buea Town. Focusing on the introduction to the Ten Commandments, the prelate made reference to the book of exodus 20: 1-17 which highlights the details of the Commandments and noted that the first three Commandments talks about man’s obligation towards God while the last seven Commandments talks about man’s obligation towards his neighbor.

introduction to the ten commandments
Drawing from Mathew 19: 16-22, Bishop Bibi recounted the story of the rich young man who questioned God about what he must do to have eternal life. He told Christians that God created man for eternal life and for man to enter the kingdom of God, it is mandatory to keep to the Ten Commandments. He urged Christians to live a life of detachment from things that will prevent them from gaining eternal life.

St. Anthony of Padua, Buea Town
Furthermore, the Bishop explained to Christians that there is unity between the Ten Commandments and that no one can choose which Commandment to adhere to, but that as Christians, it is an obligation to know the Commandments and to keep to them entirely.

Christians urged to love God and their neighbor
The prelate further emphasized that the desire for God is written in the heart of all and that man cannot love God and hate his bother of sister. The lack of love for God he stated is the cause of the difficulties and problems faced by man. He encouraged Faithful to pray for the conversion of themselves and others and to promote love for God and love for their neighbor.
The teachings took place on Monday October 21st, 2024.