His Lordship Michael Bibi has urged Christians of St. Martin De Porres Parish Bokwaongo to be promoters of Peace and never to stop praying for the restoration of lasting Peace in the North West and South West Regions of Cameroon and all other troubled areas in the Country.

pastoral visit at St. Martin De Porres
This was during his concluding phase of a two day pastoral visit to this Christian community which culminated with the celebration of the Eucharist on Sunday the 12th of April 2024 which is the Seventh Sunday of Easter.

Bishop delivers homily
Speaking on this day, the prelate in his homily, condemned the cruel killing of five gendarmes who were reported to have been murdered along the Mamfe-Ekok road by unknown gun men. He extended condolences to the bereaved families and called on all to be vigilant during these trying times.
Given that Cameroon is dedicated to Mary Queen of the Apostles and Queen of Peace, the prelate prayed that Mary Queen of Peace and Patroness of Cameroon, should intercede for the nation for the restoration of peace.

Christians in attendance
The two day pastoral visit accorded the chief shepherd an opportunity to be closer to his Christians and to discuss concerns about their church for the growth of their spiritual life. It was a moment for the Bishop to extend appreciation to these Christians for their contributions towards the growth of the church. He invited them to promote the common good by putting others first and themselves last and to shun all forms of violence that threatens peace wherever they find themselves.

Christians in attendance
Announcing the need for a tabernacle in the Divine Mercy Co-cathedral which is within one of the 75th anniversary projects; to complete the Co-cathedral, these Christians pledged over 9,000,000Francs to add to the 25,000,000Francs amount expected for the purchase of a tabernacle.

Parish pastoral Council Chair
On behalf of the parish community, Mr. James Vefonge, Parish pastoral Council Chair, saluted the efforts of the Chief shepherd in bonding with his Christians and in catering for the sheep entrusted in his care.
The visit ended with a common meal with the Bishop and parishioners.