After educating Christians on the roles of children towards parents and vice versa as instructed by the fourth commandment, the Local Ordinary Michael Bibi delved on the roles and responsibilities of authorities towards citizens and that of the citizens towards constituted authorities, as part of the fourth commandment which calls for honor to be given to parents. The prelate made Christians to understand that for a community to function properly, it must have in place constituted authorities whom he mentioned are chosen by God and have the responsibility to serve the masses. In carrying out their leadership role, they must emulate the leadership of Christ; a leadership of service to the people.

Bishop Bibi teaches on the responsibilities of authorities
Authorities must lead in accordance with the will of God and not their own will. He added that they are called upon to respect the dignity of the human person and have concern for the common good.
Justice, he reiterated is a course that must be lived by a good leader and in doing so, they must accord to persons what is their due. He further called on leaders to always live in union with God, praying that He blesses them with wisdom to carry out their roles.

Bishop states, authorities must promote justice
On the other hand, citizens were reminded that they have the obligation to respect constituted authorities in doing what is right. While they are free to criticize leaders, this the prelate emphasized, must be done positively with the goal to make happenings better and not to destroy the authorities or the community.

Christians educated on the duties of citizens towards authorities
He also made it clear that while sharing political opinions is important as a citizen, it is also vital for citizens to pray for their leaders who in essence face challenges as they carry out the work of leadership.
The catechetical session took place om Monday December 16, 2024 at St. Martin De Porres Parish in Bokwango.