The Diocese of Buea celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Apostolate of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ on Friday, March 7th, 2025, at St. Charles Lwanga Parish, Molyko, Buea. The event took place within the broader context of 30 years of the apostolate’s existence in the Church. Presiding over the Holy Mass, the Bishop of the Diocese of Buea, His Lordship Michael Bibi, reminded the devotees that, according to the teachings of the Church, an apostolate is the very activity of the Mystical Body of Christ aimed at spreading the Good News. In other words, it is the work of evangelization.

Bishop Bibi during Mass
Without evangelization, there would be no reason for an apostolate to exist. The Precious Blood Apostolate, therefore, exists to spread the Good News. During his homily, the chief shepherd reminded the devotees present that Christ is the source of every apostolate within the Church. He emphasized that the Apostolate of the Precious Blood helps Catholics to remember, in a very special way, the ultimate sacrifice made by Christ to redeem and save the whole world.

“This apostolate is intimately linked to the center of the belief of Catholics and is intimately connected to the Eucharist,” Bishop Bibi said.
He also recounted a brief history of the Apostolate of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ, explaining how it started in a village in Enugu, Nigeria, on July 5th, 1995, when God interacted with Brother Barnabas. He emphasized that the Holy Eucharist is reflected more and more through the apostolate, as devotees see suffering as a means of acquiring graces and drawing closer to God.
The prelate also used the opportunity to remind Christians to be wary of the prosperity gospel, stating that suffering is an integral part of the Christian life. He urged them to unite their sufferings with that of Christ, assuring them that through this spiritual approach, they will always emerge victorious.

Diocesan President
He went on to express gratitude to the different priests who have served as chaplains, as well as the various executive members who have led the apostolate over the years. He prayed that God grants them the necessary grace to lead members of the apostolate spiritually so that they may all attain Heaven.
“Whatever you do, we are instruments in the hands of God, who uses us for His glory. We should never take credit for anything we do within God’s vineyard since God is the one who gives us the grace to fulfill that task; hence, all honor belongs to Him and Him alone.”

Some Devotees were recognized with certificates
The Diocesan President of the Apostolate also expressed her gratitude to the Bishop for his continuous support. In her speech, she thanked all members for their dedication to the Apostolate of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ. She also hailed the founding members of the apostolate in the Diocese of Buea and acknowledged their sacrifices in building and sustaining the movement.
This was the First mass celebrted by the Bishop after his fhaslt mototr accident at Yokaduma on Friday Februrary 28th, 2025 at Yakaduma. Speaking to DMRTV, the Bishop gave glory to God for saving them adding “we were saved by the precious blood of Jesus Christ”