The Chief Shepherd of the Diocese of Buea His Lordship Michael Bibi has cautioned Christians against committing acts of scandal either on themselves or on others as this he says damages the virtue and integrity of a person and is a grave sin against the 5th Commandment which calls for honor and respect towards others. Bishop Michael Bibi drilled Christians on the 5th Commandment this 30th day of December 2024 at St. Martin De Porres Parish, Bokwango .

weekly catechesis with Bishop Bibi
He highlighted that leaders are role models in the community and must ensure that they do not become a source of scandal by their lifestyle and actions but rather should be a source of admiration of good deeds.

Christians drilled on the 5th commandment
The prelate further indicated that respect according to the 5th Commandment also connotes respect of human health by not being careless with one’s health and not taking medications without proper diagnosis which may be detrimental to the human body. Respect is also the act of staying away from excesses, not using humans as instruments of research, shun acts of kidnapping/taking hostage anyone, and also treating the dead with respect by laying them to rest properly.
The act of safeguarding peace was also mentioned as a performance of respect. He called on all to be responsible citizens by promoting justice and to avoid anger and hatred for these are elements that destroy peace. To safeguard peace, the Chief Shepherd exalted all to be instruments of peace, to act in justice, avoid infighting and radiate love in their families, workplaces and the society at large.