On Monday, October 28, 2024, Br. Singfred Sinior, Superior General of Brothers of Saint Martin of Buea, represented His Lordship Michael Bibi to drill faithful on the Ten Commandments.
During the Catechetical session, which took place at St Anthony of Padua Parish Buea Town, Br Singfred educated participants on the First Commandments, which he noted underscores the importance of loving God. He highlighted the sins against the First Commandment as including superstitions, the use of charms and spells, denying the existence of God, and doubting the truth of the Catholic faith.
Treating the second commandment, which instructs man not to take the name of the Lord in vain, the teacher reminded participants of the importance to give reverence to the name of God. This commandment he noted forbids blasphemy and extends to the prohibition of the use of language against God’s church.
Talking about the third commandment through to the seventh commandment, Br Singfred reminded Christians on the relevance to honor not only parents but authorities that have been put in place to lead as this he says builds the community and accords reverence to the commandment of God who calls on all to honor their father and their mother. The act to kill he emphasized, is against the fifth commandment and no one has the right to take the life of another, he noted. The dignity of man must be respected and killing weather by abortion or Euthanasia is a grave sin against the commandment.
He further told participants to stay away from committing adultery and that any sexual act which is out of marriage is a sin against the sixth commandment.
Concluding this session of the Know Your Faith, faithful were urged to avoid taking what does not rightfully belong to them for this the teacher said is against the seventh commandment of the church.