May our celebration of the Easter Liturgy deepen our faith that Jesus is truly risen and having conquered death, invites us to share in his resurrection. May the Easter Liturgy help us understand and appreciate more deeply the Paschal Mystery – the times of dying and rising to new life in Christ. It is Good News that every Good Friday in our lives can be transformed into an Easter Sunday. No pain, no sorrow, not even death itself, need defeat us: all is
made new in the risen Christ. May we all receive a deeper share in his gift of peace. ‘o Peace be with you” the Risen Lord says to each of us. I pray that you receive the blessings of his peace, a peace the world cannot give.
My gratitude and blessings go to all the volunteers who have contributed generously to the Liturgies throughout Holy Week in the different Parishes and Institutions in the Diocese. A special word of thanks to all Priests and their immediate collaborators, the Catechists, the Religious and the Lay Faithful, for their hours of preparation and the sharing of their gifts and talents. I wish a very happy and blessed Easter to each of you, and to your families