The priest is an “alter Christus” which is Latin for another Christ. He is called to be a witness of Christ to the flock that has been entrusted to him as their shepherd. He is a minister of the sacraments, proclaimer of the word, teacher of the faith, and steward of the Church. The priest is meant to accompany and lead the flock entrusted to his care through this world in such a way as they are able to reach the eternal kingdom of heaven.
Men and women called to live the religious life as religious sisters and brothers or monks and nuns are also called to this act of accompaniment. They are called through a life dedicated to poverty, chastity and obedience to be a witness of the life of heaven living here on earth. They are to serve as a reminder and an encouragement to us to live our own lives with hearts and minds fixed on Christ.
The Office of Vocations cultivates a culture of prayer for vocations to help qualified men and women hear the call of God. It promotes vocations and walks with candidates through screening, application, acceptance and transitions to seminary. It coordinates with seminary faculty on the formation and evaluation of potential candidates for the priesthood and religious life. The Office of Vocations is responsible for: